GameOver: The Birds And The Boars

Big News! We've updated Azlos' shop! The gui was worked on hard by CursedMarked and Hue! So make sure to give them the thanks for all their hard work!

But what aboot the birds and the boars?! Well only one way to find out! By making sure your body is ready to handle the big bois! Garius also had both of his gameovers pictures updated so check those out as well! 

What's New?


  • Harold is ready for the next stage of testing after learning some things while working with Oscar, but they seem on the kinkier side than normal. Is this really research? Only one way to find out.
  • Make sure you have some kinks and have played with some others as well, might give him some ideas as to how it can help.
  • And if you feel like Harold is a bit too much of a dommy daddy for you, Geve is looking for a cuddle buddy!
  • After playing around with you for so long and getting permission from Ran, the chest gifted doggo is allowed to play around with you some more. And after playing around too much in the open, he'll know what to do with you in private!
  • And if you're really into him, he'll even have some upcoming teasers with other characters~
  • Don't forget to check out his updated GameOver!


  • Garius has heard from the grapevine Ran has given you permission to help the guards around town, and he doesn't want anything bad happening to his favorite ventuer! So why not join him in the gym and see what he's cooking up!
  • After a bit of one on one time at the gym, go see what's happening with that offer he gave you in the tavern. Just be sure you're able to give a breeding boar what he needs.
  • Don't forget to say hi to Oscar afterwards! Best be nice to your local healer. This isn't Garius' full update, but until the current things CM is working on for the game is done, it'll do...
  • Evakk has been thinking about his and yours relationship going forwards. Still a bit confused, he needs the presence of his muse to help clear his mind.
  • Be careful! He might be learning what else he needs, but he's still a demanding toucan.
  • Good hens get to see what's life outside of town if they don't take good care of themselves when around him!
  • Azlos Shop Updated!!! Check out the interface when buying something from him!


Shop has been updated!


As always, patreons! Check your folders~ If you're having any trouble accessing itch, don't be afraid to pm!

Found a bug? Report it over here!


com.blackcatstudiosdev.gameover-release.apk 207 MB
Version 24.02.01 Feb 01, 2024
gameover-linux.tar.bz2 178 MB
Version 24.02.01 Feb 01, 2024 196 MB
Version 24.02.01 Feb 01, 2024 189 MB
Version 24.02.01 Feb 01, 2024

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