A Little ReWriting

A little late, but the time has finally come! The long awaited even though we just recently said it was coming fight is here!

The 2nd fight in the game, but what will it hold? Will you be able to win? And why is he fighting you? It's time to find out!

What's New?

  • After cleaning up the house and giving Harold and Kanat more time to do their research, the next phase is ready! Talk with Harold and he'll have you help with the next part of the phase!
  • The fight's pretty big with 6 different phases it can change to after the first, all with different outcomes from one another, and 1 even with a GO~
  • Don't forget to check out the new study. His basement finally got remodeled!
  • Upcoming! Reynard's gameover 1 replacement
  • Upcoming! Harold's house bg

Know we said 2 more months of Harold, but we got the fight out earlier than expected, so this is the big booty update! Hope you guys enjoy!

Currently though, if you wanna challenge this bear of a man to a fight, Early Viewers can get down and dirty underneath him!

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