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Is game has mpreg content?

Yes, a little


The Mc its a human ?


I never say it in game cause you're supposed to be what you wanna be, but unless transformed, I pretend they are when writing.


Is it just me or does nobody get notified when this game updates? Honestly thought it was abandoned for the longest time before re-finding it recently and seeing that it has been updating all along. I'm following azulookami and everything yet none of the  updates ever fill my feed. 


It seems like it's a known issue with that they never really solved. You'll get notifications to games you bought, but not creators you follow. There doesn't seem to be a way to fix this.

The devlogs SHOULD be posted on your feed, but it just doesn't happen all the time.


Ah I see, that's a shame.  Really good game though, I'll try to keep my eye out to see it's updates 


You don't have to be a patreon if you wanna follow that, it will always post publicly the teasers and updates.

And we have a twitter
I should probably be more active on it and advertise it, but it does post when the updates/teasers happen as well.

The ending of Garius only occurs (HP) and I do not know the conditions.

I have opened all dreams except Jar and Crux.


The other for Garius is kink related, but is also hp. While aside from the kink, Jar unlocks a stam ending like 2 of the other guards.

(1 edit)

Thank you! I were able to open the ”Play” of Garius.

But using the save data, the event with Garius did not occur no matter how much I tried.

When I started from Start (New Game) in the title, the play was opened with a conversation with Garius.

However, all my dreams were gone.

Ummm, like the chest verion? Or the super old version that had dreams?

Hiya Pinwar.

It looks like we're having some language trouble here so let's try to narrow down the issue.

Are you using the latest version of GameOver?

What device are you playing on (Windows/macOS/Android)?

But using the save data, the event with Garius did not occur no matter how much I tried.

Which event are you referring to, specifically?

When I started from Start (New Game) in the title, the play was opened with a conversation with Garius.

This is correct. You always start at the Inn with Garius greeting you.

However, all my dreams were gone.

Which dreams are you talking about? Dreams were only recently introduced and I do not believe are currently available in the public edition of GameOver. I'll need some more information to address this.

Please get back to me with some answers so I can help!

-Black Cat

(2 edits)

Thanks for the reply.

Are you using the latest version of GameOver?

└I am using the Windows ver that I purchased from DropboxShop.

Which event are you referring to, specifically?

└The event that allows you to "Play" instead of "Work" in "Have A Chat" in Garius.

Which dreams are you talking about? 

└The dreams of all characters except Crux are gone. (Crux appears to have no dreams)

Specifically, I think that when I start the game from Start (New Game), the dreams are no longer displayed when I load a save that has Dreams

Ah, okay. So the Dreams are only available in the Cheats builds. None of the other builds have Dreams. So, if you're using a build that is not designated 'Cheats' (it will show on the main menu screen which version you have) then you won't be able to access the dreams.

Have I missed something? Who are Jar and Crux? And what are these dreams?


Jar not in public, Crux is. Check out the current scene count public version!

(1 edit)

The Android apk doesn't seem to work I've tried redownloading and everything but the app crashes

Heya there! Sorry that's happening. Can you provide me some more information so I can troubleshoot?

  1. What sort of Android device (make/model)?
  2. What OS version?
  3. Which edition of GameOver? Is it the public version found here or one of the other Patreon versions?
  4. Did you reboot your device after uninstalling and BEFORE reinstalling the app?

Gimme a shout so I can help further :D

-Black Cat

I can't unlock ANYTHING. I've gotten bad ends with just about everyone besides the Alchemist, moved all the logs in the world, gotten drunk, worked at the blacksmith, but nothing else is happening! Im no longer getting any hints on what to do, amd the Cheats version doesnt seem to work on mobile. What am I missing?

(1 edit)

If you're seeing everyone's gameovers, you might be done for the current content. Look at the patch notes dev logs to see what came out when as the game is still being updated monthly (Weekly/biweekly for early viewers).

So it's going to take a bit before there's tons of things to unlock, since you have the cheat version, the only thing to unlock is Garius and the wandering stam loss endings.

You can also ask on the discord for help, joined with sba's one cause I'm too lazy to make anew.

I've been seeing gaurds, clothe shop is up, barracks are open, etc.

But I havent been able to interact with any of that 🤔 just the Bar, Shop, Gym, Blacksmith, Mayor, Lumberjack, and the guy at the town square

The public version just had the clothing/barracks and a gate unlocked, while patreon has all the gates up. Are you playing last month's version?

The areas are unlocked without any requirements cause the npcs are still being added in before updating them.

Thats weird, I didnt have any of that unlocked 🤔 Is the mobile version behind? I downloaded what was on the page

No, the mobile version is right alongside the regular version. Please either post a screenshot of the main menu (the version number will be present there) or send it to me directly:

How is one able to unlock the arena? I think I did everything in the town but I can't figure out the rest :(

You might have the wrong game? Or download the fight version? That's the only arena that's in the game?

(2 edits)

Am I missing something? I talked with everybody, but only had some sexy scenes with some of them, I keep talking to them and helping them out with a higher health/rest and low libido and vice versa but I can't continue?

I see there is also a fight.. that's Patreon only for now? I saw that there's a link to scene count, but that didn't help me much.. although it did tell me what I currently have missed so..

Edit: Oh I just found out about the potions, that helped unlocking more scenes... but still no fight?


The first fight is upcoming. Keep saying in posts I'm working on it after all base characters are in. Base characters are in so now I'm working on it. Each fight is going to take a bit as I want a lot of picture in it, and I want it to be more expansive than the fights in the fight version you can download by clicking on the Fights download. I might add to it, but most likely not.

If you want more help, you can join the discord and ask or just look if someone else asked there. Being lazy and hoping on the SBA's discord cause I don't wanna make another.

The description of the game gives you hints and you might have notice it but haven't connected the dots yet... 


But when you sleep, everything you did throughout the day is saved, and when you get a gameover, everything you did throughout the day is erased.

Thanks for clarifying! This helps lot :) and I might check out the discord server..

I purchased the Cheats ver on Dropbox, but when I select "GAME OVER" or "Go to bed" in the room, I get an error code.

Is there any way to get around this?


It was fixed in the new version sent by email.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but it seems like some of the characters forget who I am (or maybe vice versa?) every time I black out. Maybe it's a weird phenomenon with this city?


Who know~ It's a mystery~

Deleted 2 years ago


Mobile or desktop? If on Desktop press ‘H’. If on mobile there should now be a ‘hide’ button in the latest versions.

I am not very familiar with English.

I use DeepL to play games.

If I support and dl within Itch, is the version Public or Patreon?

Should I buy the Patreon version from the Patreon site or dropbox to play the Patreon version?

Are "Finding A Place" and "Azulookami's Interactives" as well as "GameOver" different between Public and Patreon?

You can get both the patreon and cheat version that was updated around April 20th from both dropbox and patreon. Not on itch.

Patreon also has a early viewing version which gets updated when something new is written and put in the game. Normally every week or 2 weeks.

The patreon and public version gets updated once a month, but the early viewing version gets updated more and will have every teaser post in the game.


I will look into this with Patreon or dropbox .

I have an error message saying "This title is hosted on an incompatible third-party website" when I try to download, reinstalling doesn't help either. Any ideas? I can't figure out a way to launch to browser either

If you're trying to access the fights from the app/client, you cannot. It's hosted on a dropbox link. The download just links you to the dropbox link it's stored on. You have to get it from the website. The other versions should be fine to get as they are hosted on the site itself.

No matter which option I choose to download, the only option it shows to install is Fights, this seems like it may be a problem with the website. I'll reply again if I find a solution

The problem was fixed as of today's update, previously I had to download from the website and run on my computer instead of through itch to get it to work

Deleted post

Make sure you are playing/downloading the right version. Public/Patreon/Early Viewing are all different.

Is there a guide? Can't seem to get with Vic or Nel. Loving the game so far.


There's a scene counter link in the description. Most people are unlocked by kink unlocks which their picture or dialogue should give away which you need for the most part. Feel free to come into the discord and ask people there as well ^^

love how this went from like a porn vn to a vn with an actual story plus porn ofc

How do I proc helping Azlos? I finished the Reynard quest, Vince conversation and unlocked the transformation kink but he still won't let me :(

Have you spoken to Azlos a few times? He has to trust you first.

Yup, it's all done. He always says he has to run his shop.

it has made much progress,that's great.

but where can i find the old version?i really love the demon.elf guys

Click on the downloads for fights.


does this have an update schedule? I don't see it in the description, so sorry if it is somewhere and this is obvious.


Usually around the 20th.


thank you

I can't go anywhere other than the tavern and the bedroom can someone help me

Patreon only till this month's update.

thank you I didn't know

Cómo desbloqueo el mapa?  porfa😞

El mapa fuera de la taberna viene con la actualización de este mes para el público. Es jugable ahora para patreons.

Necesito ayuda no puedo ver el señor de la tienda ni el nuevo, por favor díganme como desbloquearlos

The map outside of the tavern is coming with this month's update for public. It's playable now for patreons.


Oh, hey, I knew I recognised that name! You created one of my favourite games on TFGames (The Town)!

Gave the demo a try and what's there is already great, aside from a few bugs but they've already been reported from what I can see in the comments. I have to admit though, I'm not entirely sure why the game-overs are game-overs, there doesn't seem to be much...finality to them? I had a nice relaxing romp with the boar and then the games over, was there some sinister plot to keep me locked in my room in a state of lust forever?

Either way, looking forward to what's coming in the future. The Town really was great so I know this'll shape into something amazing too 👌

Can't give that away yet, but you can think of it as you gave up your life of adventuring to forever be a bed warmer for the boar. xD

There are worse ways to go...Hopefully you'll be adding some bad ends though 😈

(1 edit)

Just a collection of bad ends is what this game used to be before it was reworked into a VN. Seems like the intent now is that they are more of soft game overs.

Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure I played the early version! Glad I wasn't going crazy and that my memory wasn't messing with me. Either way, I've played one of the author's games before and I love it, and the early concept for this game was pretty great too, so here's hoping

(1 edit) (+1)

The fights version is still there for download and all it's buggy glory. Probably will take that down once fights get added to the current version however.

Glad to hear you're liking my work! Hoping to tease everyone to what's to come so people get excited to see all the new additions, new characters and old.

And plenty more gameover to come! The reason why I don't have you get booted to the title screen like the fights version, is cause there will be so many! Thought it was nicer of a thing to just have you wake up in your bed with everything you did till the last time you slept, than you get booted to the title screen.

Having trouble install game on Android keeps saying it can't open file

Hey there! Can I get some more information about the issue? How are you going about installing it? What version of Android are you running?

I don't know what wrong with it really I download the link and when it finishes I click on it so it can install but it keeps saying can open file, and I'm running Android 12

I wish I could help more but the best I have is an Android emulator. If anyone in the community can help here, I'm out of options. Without a physical device to test with I can't reproduce the issue.


god. this game is so hot. =w=


how do i leave the tavern


Patreon only atm. Later once the town is finished and you can go to every spot I'll have that be in every version, and the patreon version will just have bonus noncannon content.

hey i got this when i tried to launch it 

Error: your browser requires the game to be run from a local HTTP server (i.e. double-clicking on index.html won't work).

and I dont know if this is a bug or an issue i gotta sort out.


That might be completely my fault. Somehow I uploaded the wrong file as the Windows version. If you're trying to use the web version I would recommend skipping it for now until it's more stable.

oh alright, thank you!

I get this too, but I can't seem to play the game at all

You redownloaded the client? The wrong one was uploaded for windows.

How do you mean the client

NM, It works now

(1 edit)

I found a bug.  If you try to refight the drunkard on the same save file, it's possible for the combat to be stuck in an infinite loop (you never make progress to the dead end, and the combat never progresses to the second phase no matter what choices you make or how many times you make a choice).

After taking a peek at the source, this seems to be due to the hitCount variable not being initialized at the start of this combat (meaning that its value from the previous fight gets used when the battle's fought again), and since its value is likely to be greater than 3, drunkardFightResolve falls back to its default case... which simply jumps back to drunkardFightStart unconditionally.  Inserting $hitCount=0 at the beginning of drunkardFightIntro prevents this bug from occurring.

It seems that there are a few other variables that are used without being initialized to a value (notably including temp_hp, temp_stam, and temp_lust); it may be appropriate to create a function that initializes these values (since even with my fix above, with repeated fights, the drunkard is liable to have the HP loss scene after the first choice made in the second state due to temp_hp being negative from a previous fight).

(1 edit)

Ya im experiencing this bug and also I cant seem to leave the tavern all i can do is sleep wake up talk to the 3 npcs and sleep again.  One other thing the "check open door" and "talk to patron" options stay on the menu even after you've made your introductions to reynold and bjorn which seems odd.

Edit:  also some text is getting cut off during interactions.  Definitely are ones during the fight drunkard scenario and when you drink with bjorn.  I tried to work around it by looking at what is said in the history but the text in the history is like overlapping the same place where text is getting cut off in the dialogue window.  I'm using the android version if its relevant

yup i'm having the same problems on the pc build, text is rendering out of the boxes and there's an infinite loop if i fight the drunkard again while sleeping.  Also does weird things when i load up old saves with the other fights

Hmmm... Thanks for the report!

Gonna focus on fixing bugs and removing things that was forgotten to remove! Like the only being able to talk to a person 1 a day thing, and the drunkard fight. Gonna rework them and it be something you choose to do during the day instead of in your dreams. Thanks for the report!

Thanks for the report and the reason as to why. Gonna end up taking it out as I want fights to be something you encounter and change them up a bit. Which the original idea was to have them as dreams you had, so old idea just not being removed.

No problem glad to help out with a simple bug report where i can.  So is the current build contained to just the tavern?  The npcs in the inn are hinting that i should go places and from the other comments there seems to be much more content in the game but i cant seem to get the option to leave the tavern.  Have you made it so the less recent content isnt accessible in this build because they arent ready for how you've reworked the game?  Or is it a bug and i somehow keep softlocking myself in the inn xD

Since we're still building out the world the Public version of GameOver is limited to the tavern for now. Next month will see some new faces and locations. That said, Patrons can get early viewing privileges if you're interested, though Patreon is never required to play if you don't mind waiting a month.

ooooh okay ya that makes sense, i cant be a patron atm but thanks for answering my questions and i'll check out the next public build :3


Can you post a cheat sheet or guide to go to all ending? I like this game, but constantly replaying the game just to search the ending i want (and failed) really annoying tbh.

I won't stop people from doing so, but I honestly don't like doing so and would quickly abandon that. Things are mainly if you're grabbed or not, and which stat you lose first. With spamming 1 of the 3 usually making you lose the most of 1 stat.

There are fights like the minotuar which is timed if you just lose a stat too much you'll get a gameover before the final one, and it's a fight of managing your stats till the turn limit ends.

(1 edit)

how do i get the guardian game over scene? the cockvore one

Lust not grabbed, stam not grabbed gives you merging.

For the noble, it is possible for the heart stat to go into the negatives without triggering an ending. Is this intentional?

No, this is not intentional. I am currently not able to reproduce this issue. Are you playing the web version, Android version, or one of the Win/macOS/Linux versions?

I'm on the windows version, I got there by spamming "break eyesight" and "pull up".

i am using iPad Pro just to let you know and this happened. Here’s the image.

Thanks for the report! Unfortunately, as you can see in the image it's currently a known issue with Webkit, specific to Apple. As such there's not much that anyone can do until they patch the issue on their side.


The Rival is hot !



I like the concept, and some good writing for various route endings! Art is very solid as well, definitely interested to see where you take this :9

Android download can't be opened. Not sure why as the message doesn't say anything other than "cannot open file."


Hmmm, is there any way you can reply or send me screenshots of how you attempted to download and install? If you wish to message them to me directly or are unable to reply with images you can contact me in the Discord Server or email me.

I just tried to download the application from here on my phone. Once I hit download on the android version it just popped up "cannot open file."

Have you had luck with other Android apps on Itch?

Yes I have had problems with any other than this one

is it only imp and fiend?

Till next update.


Try not to overwork yourself.

its pretty good, didn't encounter any bugs while playing, admittedly I found it a little boring but thats probably just due to the lack of routes currently.

(1 edit)

Game still crashes on android! D:


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 548, in execute_show_screen

Exception: Screen playerStats is not known.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "fiend.rpyc", line 86, in script

  File "renpy/", line 2010, in execute

  File "renpy/", line 1998, in call

  File "renpy/", line 278, in call

  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 548, in execute_show_screen

  File "renpy/display\", line 1115, in show_screen

Exception: Screen playerStats is not known.


Thanks for the report! I’ll look into it asap.

I've uploaded a new version. Please update and try again. If you're still having trouble please contact me directly at or via DM through Azul's Discord:

I do not have a physical Android device to test with and the emulator isn't having any issues displaying content.

If you contact me, please include info such as your device (Pixel 4, Galaxy S#, etc) and OS version so that I can replicate the issue as closely as possible.

Thanks and have fun!

The art is pretty cool. I wish there was more though, for each different ending. And maybe a "good" endings too. I'd recommend to set some ultimate goal for player, such as survive the encounter, and only then the next one will appear.

While great feedback, that sorta defeats the whole purpose of the game. The entire point is to lose. It is not possible to win, ever.


Well... I did not mean winning by killing monsters. How about winning by submitting at the right time or in the right way? So, the monster has his way with you, but deside to spare you and you continue to the next one? This could even include some MC progression (or maybe, better say sexual depraviation)) from each encounter. That way with each new level the MC can satisfy the harder enemy. And if you put them all in the same location, the playe will have to find the right enemy for their level in order to progress. Or they can always go to the toughest one and see his bad ending))

(1 edit) (+1)

That certainly sounds like an interesting idea, I'd definitely love to see how the MC's relationship could build up with all the other NPC's if there was more leeway with the options they have presented to them with each encounter they might face based on every single race(s)/species/ monster(s) that might exist in their world, which depending on how the interaction went between the two of them either after they tried to talk them down or beat them in battle every opponent the MC comes across might maybe somehow start to develop a feeling toward the MC allowing a connection to form which in turn helps the other to become the MC's lover or just a friendly ally and/or whatever other kind of scenario that could happen between the two afterwards as this VN game progresses later on during whenever the creator has the time available to do that for this and their other projects as well.


Great start! hope you continue! 

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