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Will this get updated?


Nope. Moved the characters  to another game I'm apart of. Don't want to code anymore.

can you make it for window please I like this game a lot please


It's html. You can open them on an explore like Chrome or Firefox. Or use an html player.


that make sense sadly I don't use either of those thanks for replying it means a lot to know you care about who takes interest on what you make so thanks

Are we gonna see more updates for both Broomies and Finding a place? I just got into the games and they're alot of fun!


Broomies happens right before FAP, and Broomie happens before Broomies. With Helping Out The Prof being where Roland came from. Broomies no. There are some patreon exclusive content I probably didn't mean to have that happen cause I started on FAP. FAP has been getting updated from time to time on patreon cause of something else I'm doing. Once I finish a whole day for someone, I'll post that and everything else that's been getting updated publicly.

How can you play this in your phone?


html so you need a html player. Youtube gives a couple of guides.

how do you change the name of your character?  I've been trying and cant seem to change the name.

Some of the have boxes, others have a popup that comes up depending on what you're using. Your browser might be blocking it esp if you're using a phone. Sorry for the super late reply.

your okay and thanks for the info


How do I find the other interactives you made previously

Never mind I got it

Where did you find it?

(1 edit) (+1)

The link is below where the download options are, just copy the link and paste it to look it up

I Found it, thank u

Got a nice juicy error for you with: Feeling him Up.

Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: expected expression, got '<'

<<if $f is < 3>> $bname looks around with a worried face. It seems at first he’s fighting himself if he really wants to, but you get taken by surprise when he’s moving on all fours without delay. Messing with his jeans before two round hills are on full display to you.  <<say "cicon" "β€œJust uh… Finish your food on it… Please…” $bname says quickly.">>  
[[With pleasure.|D1054]]  
[[Well, if you insist.|D1054]]  
[[Not going to say no to some quality ass.|D1054]] 
<<set $t to 1>> <</if>>

Thanks. Seems pretty thicc

Why i can't change my name? also, how can i change the other name options?

Only if the interactive has the option to change yours or their name.

The store page makes it seem like there are multiple interactives, but I can only find Broomies? Is this missing content?

In the download there's a dropbox folder. There are a bunch of htmls but only the latest random one I made is playable on itch. The rest you'll have to dl.


I just found this game and I don't understand how to play it

Which one? They all are just interactives.  Just choose an option and get to an ending.

(2 edits)

It'll lead you to the Dropbox link. There're a bunch of interactives you can play. You unzip the file once downloaded and try to execute one with whichever interner navegator (Chrome, FireFox, Opera GX, etc).

You can play at your phone as well by either using Chrome to execute the files or typing "file:///sdcard/" in your phone's chrome.

The description said the bull princess have 7 ends lol can't the rest any tips

I would if I remembered, but that's pretty far away ago. I know the tiger has like 2 I believe... Probably... Most likely... Actually,, I believe my fur page has a guide on it. Unless I deleted it from my gdocs.

So the story end when you meet the stallion ? I get to be continue after deciding to go to his roommate am I doing something wrong

It ends after the convo after you had sex with the stallion and befor eyou see his roomie, yes.


How do I get past the first story with the tige

The more you're into him, the faster your transformation happens, and an ending plays out.

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Is there any chance that there could be piss kink?


yes its called a piss fetish 


Am I the only one that can't go past the handkerchief part?


Just say back to him what the text has been telling you.

I'm sorry but could you explain more or in different words? I can't get past the handkerchief part either and I don't understand this advice.


The story says you are his fan and you became one from watching one of his competitions, tell him you are his fan and became one when you saw him run.


I can't seem to get any of the routes to progress after him offering lunch. Doesn't matter what I pick prior or whether top or bottom role. Just doesn't give an option to continue


Same here. It goes a little further in Firefox for some reason but it'll still drop at random points


Sorry for the late reply. If you're still having trouble, all you need to tell him is what the text has been telling you what you are to him.


I found a problem to continue the top route. After choosing answer to go to the place, i cannot do anything else.

What mistake did i make?


Tell him what the text has been telling you what you are to him without deviating.

I can't seem to find the route where you get to top, anyone know how?

At the start, choose to be a top, then when you get to the sex part, he'll have you top him. The early endings are just there for flavor. Just be an honest fan that's into and you'll get to the cg.

ohhh i love it!!!

Is the only route the one of the Bull?

Unfortunately, I wanted more. Kind of like how Darrius' story went, but a series of bad events prevented us. Patreon has 1 more path each, but next month's will have more with more endings.

What Darius are you speaking of? The one of Extracurricular Activities?

(1 edit)

No. If you look in the downloads dropbox folder, in 2020 with Goro. Neighborhood initiation has the character I speak of. Might want to look at the description txt file before reading any of the interactives. They all have different kinks/fetishes in them, but are all bigger than this one. With multiples scenes/endings.